Trouble verifying my uphold wallet

I’m on windows 10 and I’m trying to verify my uphold wallet to recieve my rewards
hoowever when I try to do so Uphold tells me that my wallet is verified but I can’t find my brave account on uphold I’ve contatced their support and they told me that nothing was wrong on their end.
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Did you have your Uphold account connected to your brave:rewards wallet?

That’s the part I’m having trouble with :sweat_smile:

Then, can you provide more information about the “issue”? A screenshot will be really helpful.

What happens when you click “Verify wallet” via BAT triangle icon at URL bar?

Well when I click "verify wallet " I get redirected to uphold where I’m asked to login and when I login Iget that but no sign of my brave wallet or anything

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Thanks for the information. And when you finish the process, the “Verify wallet” button (BAT triangle icon at URL bar) is not changed to “Wallet verified”?

We’ve an issue logged for that here

I added your +1 on your behalf. Apologies for the inconveniences.

I’ve the same issue as described above. What should I do? Thanks

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i have the exact same problem contacted uphold as well and told me the wallet was already verified and it was a problem from brave, when i click where it says “verify wallet” it takes me to my uphold acc

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