I would like to help translate Brave into Catalan. I am a Catalan teacher of English, so I think I would be able to do it or at least contribute.
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Hello @fsalles,
Thank you for being interested in helping localize Brave into Catalan!
Here’s some information to get started
- Brave use Transifex for localization effort. You can create an account if you don’t have one.
- And go to this Catalan (ca) language project https://www.transifex.com/brave/brave-laptop/language/ca/
- Click Join team, and if your request accepted, you can start to translating!
- For translating, click resource (eg.
) that you want to translate. And then click Translate button. - Voila! Start translating the available strings.
Once the progress reach 100% (all resource translated), please PING! us so the team can include it as language option.
Feel free to ask if it’s not clear for you,
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