Transaction to @BravePublishers!

Hi, I’ve just found out that all my BATs that I’ve earned during my Brave Browser usage have been transferred to @BravePublishers.

I haven’t authorized these transactions so I’d ask if I may eventually get a refund for this.

The transactions are:
14,5 BAT in the day March 8th 2021, 8:51:57 PM

Hope to get a response, thank you for the understanding

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SAME PROBLEM with it. Some kinda bug i guess It took the BAT from my uphold all of a sudden : (

Hey @wolvhe @disty60 , share the below details to @steeven

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Done it already bruuh

Oh sorry!!

waiting is the only thing we can do then.

@fanboynz can you come in here and look into this issue if possible?

any news on when the publishers rewards start processing ?

LOOK AT THIS ! Been waiting for a very long time. It was said that Creator rewards start to process by 8th Mar, i found some processing text few days ago. but now nothing is there and I have no idea why this is been delaying for months. Last deposit date was at Nov2020.

I’ve received mine 10days ago. Now could you check the status and post it here if you have received successfully???

I haven’t received mine yet @steeven @Rohit552

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