Haven't received Publisher rewards

(I’m finally here after not receiving answers on Reddit or via e-mail for 3 weeks, so this is mostly a copy-paste.)

In the last week of June, I registered my three sites.

I have been collecting BAT by viewing ads, and decided to test the system and contribute to my website. I contributed in the last week of June.

The BAT left my Brave Rewards user wallet, but never made it to my Creator account. Further, I can’t even locate a record that shows my donation at the end of June.

I tried to ask for help in the Brave Browser subreddit, but didn’t receive a response.

Also, why can’t I see a transaction history of how much BAT I earned, and donated? That would be a very useful feature.

Thanks for the help!


Hey team, I’m just bumping this post to get an answer. Thanks!

Hi @rdgrabowski,

Welcome to community! I’m sorry for the lack of response so far.

Can you PM me the email associated with your publisher account? I can take a look.


Bump. Responded 10 days ago, haven’t heard anything since.

Thanks team!

PM’ing now. Thanks for your patience @rdgrabowski!

Thanks to the Brave customer support team! My issue has been resolved!!

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Awesome! Glad that did the trick.

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