Today is 8th, No Payout Yet

Hello, please today is the 8th of February but no payout yet or is there a time it will be paid out today? @Asad

Hi Effk, please note that it is still only very early on Februrary 8th in some parts of the world. For example, it is only about 6:30 AM in San Francisco, USA on February 8th at this time, and was only 2:00 AM in San Francisco at the time of your posting!

Same here. Any idea when it will be paid out? Its 17:00 PM here in London now. :clock5:

8th is almost over and still no payout… You guys are really making us have doubts about the platform.

You should be good to go if you’ve signed up, added your channels, and are an Uphold Verified Member.

You should get all the tips etc. sent to you with no issue. Keep in mind it can take 7-10 days for tips to post to your account, so if you get contributions 7-10 days before the payout date it’s possible they will be rolled through to next month’s payout instead.


What I received in Uphold is my January payment of 20 USD but my February payment of 103 USD has not been sent to Uphold, please help me

Tested the platform, made some tips to myself testing on different OSes and received 0 ZERO.

NONE of the tips were ever credited to my fully verified account after 30+ days.

There is no doubt, that BAT is a mess up.

Bye Brendan

Should, should, should have a working product Asad, this is completely unacceptable.

Ok I got mine 10 mins before midnight here.

Totally agree, such a dissappointment but also makes me realize that Brendan Eich must be a total joke as well.

Nice talks and marketing but an inferior browser surfing the blockchain hype.

This will fade, just don’t waste your time.emphasized text

Centralization, third parties, KYC, censorship, a broken tipping system, … what else.

I stuck with pending also. Where are support to help solve problems ?

Hi @maxiU, the best course of action is to also send an e-mail to [email protected] with a screenshot of your publisher dashboard and your publisher account/e-mail. Also, let them know if you received a partial payout, or no payout at all, as that makes a major difference.

A small number of users, for reasons we are investigating, did not make it into this month’s payouts even though they should have. If you’re an affected account, we can push a payout to you manually.

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@chriscat Thanks for information. I send support email.

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