Payment is not being received and February 8 is already gone

My next deposit date was 8 February which is already gone and i didn’t receive any payment both my publisher channel and my uphold account is verified .

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Hello, I can definitely try and help you out, here! Can you let me know the following?

  1. When did you verify your Uphold account?

  2. Do you remember when your referral turned into a confirmation? (It should have happened 30 days after the referred person first downloaded the browser.)

In short, if you verified your Uphold account after the 1st of February, then you would have missed this month’s payout. This is because payout statements are generated on the 1st of February, and only those who have completed verification are included in the payout statement. Similarly, if your referral matured (i.e., evolved into a confirmation) after the 1st of February, then it would have missed that payout statement as well and will be carried over to March.


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Whats with creators that missing payaout from Jabuary payment bug? Is there will be manual relase of old payments?

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Whats with creators that missing payaout from Jabuary payment bug? Is there will be manual relase of old payments?

The reason why many publishers did not get paid in January was that they did not have verified Uphold accounts, and as of January, Uphold verification became required for payouts.

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Hi Chriscat, same problem here. As a publisher, I have two youtube channels included in rewards program, from others computers they can be seen as verified, but not from mine. A few weeks ago Asad told me it’s a glitch you have and you haven’t solved to this date. Should I uninstall Brave browser and install it again? Since Asad told me to wait for you to fix it, but it’s not the case, I think maybe it needs some action from me.

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Hi Chriscat, same problem here. As a publisher, I have two youtube channels included in rewards program, from others computers they can be seen as verified, but not from mine.

Hi Connie, I think there is a way of potentially fixing it now, but it’s just a little involved. Can you let me know if you’re on MacOS or Windows?

Either way, if you can navigate to your brave-browser folder, inside is another folder called /default. In there is a file called publishers_list. That publishers list can sometimes not get updated for whatever reason and become stale. So what you can do is rename it, move it or delete it, so that the browser is forced to redownload it (after a restart). Once you see a fresh version downloaded, then you should show up as verified.

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Hello again Chriscat and thanks for taking the time to reply! My computer runs on Windows10. I’m going to follow your instructions and see. I will let you know if it is fixed! Thanks again!

Great. You should be able to find your Brave browser folder under appdata/local (not roaming)… I think ;). I am on MacOS!

Well, certainly the problem is still there. Don’t worry, your software is still in construction, I understand that. I should delete it, wait some days and reinstall it, don’t you think?

Hi Connie, were you able to locate the publishers_list file? Let me know if you did and what you tried there. If you could also share your YouTube channel name(s), that would be great. I will be able to check the publishers list for your verification status.

Hello again Chriscat and thanks for your kind help!

I contacted another Brave Creator and she told me I need to have at least $10 in order to receive a payment, if it is the case, I don’t have the minimum yet. Thanks again!


I contacted another Brave Creator and she told me I need to have at least $10 in order to receive a payment, if it is the case, I don’t have the minimum yet. Thanks again!

Hi Connie, the minimum threshold for a payout from your dashboard to your Uphold account is much less than $10 nowadays. I believe it is as low as 5-10 BAT last time I checked. To be clear, I am referring to the minimums for the BAT inside your publisher’s dashboard ( to be paid out into your Uphold account on the 8th of the month.

As for not seeing your YouTube channels as verified from the browser, if you can share with me your YouTube channel(s), that would be great. Thanks :).

Hello again Chriscat, I appreciate your kind help. Asad told me 22 days ago the problem was a glitch of your system, some accounts appear like unverified despite being verified. For instance, if I go to my cousin’s house and check in her brave browser, I will see my channels are verified. So, the only person who doesn’t look it verified is me. That’s why I asked you in the first place, could I uninstall the browser, wait some days and then reinstall it? How I can do it safely? Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me!

Hi Connie,

You do not need to completely uninstall your browser, fortunately! I provided instructions in my comment above, here: Payment is not being received and February 8 is already gone However, I can give you the instructions again and make them a little more precise :slight_smile:.

Instructions: You need to go your Brave-browser folder under $AppData$/local. (If this is not right, go to /roaming instead.) Therein, you will find a folder called Default and then a file inside there called publishers_list. With your browser exited/closed, you should rename this to something like backup-publishers_list-old (or anything else you want), and then start Brave again.

Watch that folder until your browser downloads a fresh version of the publishers_list. This fresh version should contain your verified channels. From there, check the verification status again on a YouTube video of yours.

Let me know how that goes!

Hi again Chriscat! I did all as you said, but it didn’t work! I don’t know what else could help!



Hi @connie, thanks for bearing with me. Are you able to send your publishers_list file to me, or take a screenshot of the publishers_file list’s “last modified” and “created at” dates? Secondly, can you please remind me of your YouTube channel or website that you verified, so I can check if it’s verified from my end?

Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. We are working to make this system a lot more robust.

@connie, can you also try doing the above instructions again with the publishers_list file, but ALSO doing it for the publisher_info_db file at the same time?


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