"This site cannot be reached" message on all .gov websites

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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. All .gov websites are giving " this site cannot be reached.
  2. All .gov websites are working fine on Firefox, so it is not a server/router error
  3. Problem started about a month ago with no changes having been made to Brave.

**Expected result:**To be able to log in to .gov websites.
Brave Version( check About Brave): Version 1.32.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (x86_64). Running on Mac OS 11.6.

**Additional Information:**I have tried removing shields with no success. I have looked at all of the "your topic is similar to and find no help.

Hey which sample gov site (or sites) are trying to check? Do you have secureDNS enabled?

I just quit and restarted Brave and the site loaded perfectly!

Thank you for responding.

It was this website I was trying to access: https://eauth.va.gov/accessva/

Yes, secureDNS is enabled. So I have no idea still of what caused the problem.

Occasionally it can cause it issues, if you see domain failure requests (more than normal) try disabling secureDNS as a first step

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