Brave is absolutely unusable: "This site can't be reached" on every site

So I know Brave devs probably wont give a damn about this because I’ve seen the other posts but here it goes:

Today, all of a sudden, Brave WON’T OPEN ANY SITE. There is that “DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE” message on the screen.

  1. Launch brave browser
  2. Try to open ANY site
  3. Observe the site failing to load and getting the error screen “This site can’t be reached” with the error code “DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE” at the bottom

Version 1.58.135 Chromium: 117.0.5938.140 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Windows 10 64 bit.

Ive cleared cache, cookies, history, everything.
Ive ran in compatibility mode.
Ive rebooted many times.
Ive tried administrator mode.
Ive tried incognito mode.
Ive tried downloading brave again, the installer can’t download the files.

I don’t want to go back to trashfox but you guys are not even trying. And yes, firefox is working just fine.

im not having the problem

are you able to open websites on any other browser? looks like an issue with your ISP

It sounds like it could possibly be a DNS Server issue.

Are you using DNS-over-HTTPS, I.E. if you go to brave://settings/security, is “Use secure DNS” enabled? If so, does the issue still occur if you temporarily change the DNS service provider to another one.

If Secure DNS is not enabled, are you using any sort of VPN, proxy or browser extension that may be proxying your internet connection?

This sort of works; disabling it allows me to visit some sites, like google and facebook, but everything else now shows “ERR_CONNECTION_RESET”

Update: Disabling Kaspersky Internet Security completely fixes Brave.

Yes, Firefox and Edge work just fine.

Great news everyone!

It was Kaspersky. Uninstall (preferably forever, piece of trash) and reinstall, everything is working now.

I also had a problem with spotify displaying the “can’t play this song right now” on EVERY SONG, but Spotify usually fixed itself after a restart, but guess what! It was Trashpersky too!

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