The funds in your Brave wallet are virtual

Please advice. Getting the following message in Brave rewards. Connecting to Uphold account does not resolve the issue. Started with version 1.12 and today’s new version 1.13 did not resolve the issue.

“The funds in your Brave wallet are virtual and not required to backup. It’s available for you to spend exclusively on this browser”

Thank you!

What exactly is the problem you’re reporting here?

My funds are virtual and I am unable to restore my wallet, Brave recommended connecting to a verified Uphold wallet .When I connected to uphold account, Brave rewards still does not see my verified Uphold account and thinks I am not connected. See picture atached

"The funds in your Brave wallet are virtual and not required to backup. It’s available for you to spend exclusively on this browser1

If you’d like to secure all of your funds in the case of clean installing the browser or switching to a new device, and have other benefits such as adding, withdrawing and transferring funds, we recommend connecting to a verified Uphold wallet"

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So what exactly happens when you attempt to verify your wallet with Uphold?

BAT stored locally in your browser is virtual, It only becomes real BAT when It gets to your Uphold account or you tip creators.

Also, since 1.3V recovery key doesn’t recover BAT earned on a browser instance, it only rescues pending rewards.

You don’t read my message. As I said, Brave rewards still does not see my verified Uphold account and thinks I am not connected. See picture attached…“The funds in your Brave wallet are virtual and not required to backup. It’s available for you to spend exclusively on this browser”

When I connected to uphold account, Brave rewards still does not see my verified Uphold account and thinks I am not connected. See picture atached

That message is static it will not change even if you sync your Uphold account. But if your uphold is already connected don’t worry, your pending rewards will be payout at the end of the month

What if I need to restore the wallet, it did not let me to restore

How do I know how many browsers are connected to Uphold? If 4 are allowed, then i might need to disconnect them

What did you mean? You have your recovery key and you tried to recover your wallet? or You want to get your recovery key?

As for:

There isn´t a official way to know that, my best guess is that you can get an idea going to uphold in a section called ‘autorized applications’, you can see there some brave instances listed (if you had ever connected to uphold). But i really don´t know for sure. In any case it´s not possible to eliminate a wallet from the 4 lifetime list, i really don´t know how they manage this, but for now there isn´t a way do delete one of them. And before you try to revoke permissions on uphold side, don´t do it, we not know how they store that data, and well you can mess up things for you.

As for more explanations read this:


But well i do not know what admins think about all of this, this is what i know, good thing is to have mattches here checking this thread.


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