Yeah, that is weird. I do know as updates are done and they improve on features and security, that could end up leading to the changes. Though I’m not saying language as much as time zone and all. For example, there was a user who posted about how he and his friend lived in Costa Rica but his friend wasn’t seeing ads. The trick though is Costa Rica had multiple time zones and that’s what was causing the issue. If you want to check out that Github and the various comments, check out
As to the person I’m talking about, here was his:
I see the ads, but my friend which use Windows 10 can not see them, we both live in Costa Rica but in different zones (He lives in Heredia and I live in San José)
basically, this seems to be an issue of locales, I will match his locales and try again
matching the locale on WIndows 10 (
Español (Costa Rica)
instead ofEspañol (Latinoamerica)
) fixed the issue for him.
There was even another person:
My Windows 10 version is 1909 (build 18363.752).
My country is set to Czech Republic.
Information from
When I set the regional format to
English (United States)
, Brave says that rewards are not available in my region.When I change the regional format to Czech (Czechia), Brave rewards are enabled for me.
So the only thing I can suggest is to try to make sure your computer’s time zone/locale matches with whatever your IP is set to be. If your computer is saying you’re in England but your IP address says you’re in the United States (just using as an example), then Brave would be flagging it as an issue and be unable to show ads as they are uncertain of your location…which is a key aspect of knowing what ads to show you.
Try changing that up and let us know if you see a difference.