Stopped receiving ads out of nowhere. My country, Argentina, is enabled to receive ads and rewards.
hello, I am from Argentina , I was receiving ads without problem , but yesterday it stopped. so now I don t receive ads any more. is there any problem with our region of Argentina???, because I see that I not the only one that has the same problem in my country.
Not region problem, same here in Hungary.
ADs are not showing from today… Italy here.
I am from Peru and it happened to me yesterday, Brave Desktop and Brave Android ads are not working.
Same from France, no ads since 08/04/2022…
Same here, I’m from the Netherlands. I was getting very much ads on a daily basis but now it’s none - so I think this problem is rather globally (although there aren’t made that many posts about it, yet). I’m not flagged and still connected to my verified Gemini wallet.
EDIT: I’m now getting push notification ads again on Windows, but the ads within the browser when opening a new tab are still not appearing. Android (push notification) ads have yet to come.
Thanks for sharing your experience! As for me, still not receiving ads, the problem persists
i stopped receiving ads since a few months ago.
when i upgraded my browser today, I try to connect to gemini, it says that my account is flagged for irregular activities.
however, I have no idea what I did wrong, and I never received any notice regarding something I did wrong.
please help.
hola , te cuento que volvi a tener los avisos de brave, lo que hice fue ir a mi billetera de uphold y entre donde dice salir de uphold y volvi a verificar mi cuenta con uphold y ahi comence a tener de nuevo los anuncios, te comparto mi experiencia por si te sirve, suerte y saludos
You’re welcome, I hope yours will be fixed soon too!
I’m now also getting ads on my Android (and Windows) again. Push notification ads, as well ads displayed in new tabs.
sometimes it happens. it will start showing in a while
I was also haven’t received ads for the last 2Days but from today I’m receiving ads
how long is a while?
weeks? months?
The issue was solved yesterday Abril 13th, by the night. Now the issue is back.
I see the background ad, I’m not receiving the tiny ads popups and the counter is not increasing.
Hey do someone have an issue with message
“Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region.”
Ads are available yesterday but today its showing this msg can somebody help me with it?
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