Hello. I have no idea why, but every page in Brave is loading much slower compared to Chrome. Strangely, everything works fine in Brave’s incognito mode.
Does anyone have any advice? Even after a full Windows reinstallation, the problem persists. I’ve cleared cookies and everything else, even reinstalled Brave, but nothing has helped.
Regarding extensions, I’ve tested it with all of them turned off. The only extension I have installed is LastPass, and even with LastPass disabled, the issue persists.
I created a new profile, and the issue doesn’t occur there, even with LastPass installed. I really don’t know what the problem is
@Sefinek, just to clarify, what method did you use to clear cookies and data? Sometimes people mention clearing everything but later reveal they only cleared data for one site or selected a smaller time range like the default Last Hour instead of All Time in Delete Browsing Data.
Additionally, did you clear data in the Advanced section, such as Site and Shields Settings or Cached images and files? These options can sometimes resolve lingering issues.
Regarding reinstalling Brave, if you didn’t choose to delete the data during the uninstall process, a lot of information may have been retained. Here’s the box that pops up during uninstall that you’d need to check: