Site stored password doesn't appear as before

Before some version the site stored password appear inside the base window and choose the passowrd you want for each site.

Now appear one key down right at the black bar and after that you must choose the stored password or appear the name of the site down at black bar.

How i can make brave appear stored site passwords as before at the site field.

Really No one knows???

@Grigoris part of the issue and why you don’t have a reply is because you’ve failed to provide any information. I’m going to copy/paste from Support below:

Please edit this post or repost to reflect the template and guidelines and we’d be more than happy to assist you.

Guidelines - Before posting, please:

  • Search the forum to see if anyone else has already posted or resolved the issue you came to ask about.
  • Fill out the template that appears in your editor when posting as it contains all the boiler-plate information surrounding your issue. It will help the Support team members and other Community members to efficiently assess and resolve your issue.
  • Provide essential info such as your version number and OS, to help Support and other Community members resolve your issue.
  • Ensure that you’re posting in the appropriate category
  • Tag your post appropriately – note that some tags are restricted to or from specific categories.
  • Observe and adhere to our code of conduct

And similarly, I’d like to suggest you check out Creating Topics which says some of the same things but extra info and it walks you through how to do some of it.

Without knowing which version of Brave you’re using, which operating system, and all sorts of other info…we can’t answer. And I’m not sure I quite understand what you’re saying about where the information is appearing now compared to before. If you can share a screenshot without it revealing any private/sensitive information, it would be a great help as well.

How i can find out and send you the info you tell me?

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