Is there a way to make private searching the default for this program?
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Brave Version( check About Brave
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Is there a way to make private searching the default for this program?
Description of the issue:
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Brave Version( check About Brave
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Can you please elaborate on what exactly it is that you’re asking for here? What exactly do you mean by “private searching”?
If you mean you want to use a search engine and not have the search or the results show up in your browsing history, then I’d suggest simply using a Private browsing window when searching.
If you are referring to something else let me know.
When I open Brave I can enter info on the top search bar. However there is a lower search bar as well. It says search privately. I always want it to search privately. How can I make the search privately action the default?
@mblum10209 do you mean like the screenshot below? If so, then to let you know that is the default. What it’s showing is the search engine chosen is Brave, which is a private search that doesn’t collect your data or anything. In comparison, if you do searches through Google they will tend to sell any of your data they can get their hands on and will use your search history for ads.
So if you have Brave Search for your default search engine, it will do the private search like you see there.
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