Incorrect Search Engine Behavior in Private Window

When using Google as the default search engine and DuckDuckGo as the search engine for Private Windows in Brave Browser, the browser performs a Google search instead of a DuckDuckGo search when the “Search in DuckDuckGo” option is selected after right-clicking selected text in a Private Window.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set Google as the default search engine in Brave.
  2. Set DuckDuckGo as the search engine for Private Windows in Brave.
  3. Open a Private Window in Brave.
  4. Navigate to any webpage.
  5. Select some text on the page.
  6. Right-click the selected text and choose Search DuckDuckGo for from the context menu.

Expected Behavior: The selected text should be searched using DuckDuckGo, as specified in the Private Window search settings.

Actual Behavior: The browser performs a Google search instead of a DuckDuckGo search, even though DuckDuckGo is set as the search engine for Private Windows.

Brave: Version 1.75.86 Chromium: 132.0.6834.33 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10.0.19044.5131

Please edit your Original Post (“OP”) above, to include:

  • Brave Browser version
  • Computing Device Operating System version

Version 1.75.112 Chromium: 132.0.6834.46 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit) - same

Can reproduce this — have reported it to the team for review.

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Have opened the following issue for this here:

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