Description of the issue:
Scroll bar goes back to black when open brave or click on a link in night mode
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):
- Open Brave in night mode.
- Go to a website (Wikipedia for example) where the background gets changed from white to black when the setting is on.
- Scroll.
Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
Scroll bar is black which makes it impossible to see.
Expected result:
Scroll bar should be white- you can get it to go back to white by turning off and on night mode- but it goes right back after you click on any links or go to any other pages.
Reproduces how often:
every time you close the app or open new pages in night mode
Brave Version(about:brave):
Version 1.56 (
BraveCore 1.56.13 (115.0.5790.136)
** Android/iOS Model (what device are you using?):**
Iphone 12 (iOS 16.6)
Additional Information: