Hello, my problem is the BAT that are in my browser do not synchronize with my uphold account. Any new BAT that I receive is now going into my uphold wallet but previous BAT from anything older than 9 months ago just remains on browser and does not sync. I need to perform a recovery of my pc soon and am worried all of these BAT will be lost. How can I transfer these BAT over?
must be said. there are more and more brave rewards complaints. must be said. braves cannot find a solution. it’s a shame for the brave service. a lot of people think the same. it’s up to you to do your survey to improve your service.
I have the same problem as you. it’s been 6 months. there many no one in the same case. no solution was found. even brave has not found the solution for 9 months. after 9 months no solution. is that the service is unreliable. we should all ask ourselves the question. brave, is it that reliable ??
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