Reset computer- upon signing in to my Brave acct- ALL bookmarks are gone!

I reset my laptop, upon signing back in with the same Google email address, all of my bookmarks are gone. I’ve tried every profile/email that I used previously.
The kicker is, a week later, (without doing a reset on my other PC), my Desktop did the same thing. It was like everything was gone, profiles, bookmarks, etc. I only had one profile to sync, but they were all gone.

I understand I had a sync set up to ONE profile, however, why did it take a week? Something isn’t right.

Shouldn’t everything be under the same email account? I had everything set to sync from my GChrome to that email, and have been using it for apprx 2 years.

I have reset this same laptop in the past and this never happened. I could always access them after signing into Brave with my Gmail email and they’d be there in Brave.

For my work, I NEED many of the bookmarks. But even more importantly, my son, my best friend, and my grandpa’s obituaries were bookmarked (my son’s is archived on the system and without the exact link, I cannot access it!).

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