What if I RESET MY PC? What will Happen to My PROFILE?

I don’t see an area to CREATE a Profile w/Email or ANY Info of Me??

So what happens to all My BOOKMARKS?? If I had to
Re-Download an ReInstall BRAVE???
Please n Thanks

I believe you if you reinstall your Brave browser, you won’t be able to get your profile back.

Brave have no “account” feature like other browsers. But Brave do have Brave Sync @FreddyT-Power https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001330932-Sync

Thanks for the reply

Thanks for the reply
The link just directs me to HELP CENTER no Specific Subject, but if no ACCOUNT? why Bother?

So if I use BRAVE as my DEFAULT BROWSER and I need to RE-INSTALL?? and it’s Literally ALL GONE??,

Why would I want such a Browser, don’t get me wrong it IS My Default Browser for almost a yr I think, but what’s the POINT in SAVING / BOOKMARKING if it’s Literally All Lost after Re-Installing???

Backup bookmarks in Brave > Bookmark Manager > Organize > Export bookmarks.
Re-set PC > Re-install Brave > Settings > Bookmarks > Import bookmarks

Or you can use Sync v2 to save data to another device.

Done! Easy! :+1: :grin:

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Thanks Jay will use this method, just don’t GET IT??

Why they can’t make it easy to just SIGN UP so we can SIGN IN after a PC Reset.

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