"Remember Me" checkbox not saved when logging into a site

On many sites, especially those with 2 step authorization, after entering ID and Password, a new page will come up asking for an authentication by text or through an app. When that happens there is almost always a checkbox for something like “don’t ask again for this device”. I always check the box, but that is either not transmitted back to the site, or the cookie noting that isn’t being saved.
How can I fix this?

  1. Go to the sit https://digital.fidelity.com/ and click login.
  2. LastPass fills in the password (username is already saved by the site and proceeds.
  3. A screen asking for secondary authentication comes up either by accepting a prompt from the Mobile app or trying another way using a texted code. In both instances, there is always a checkbox that says “Don’t ask me again on this device”
  4. I ALWAYS check the box, but it doesn’t help. I’m ALWAYS asked again!

This is not the only site this happens with. I can’t think of many at this point, but I would be surprised if this isn’t common.

Expected result:
I would expect that once I successfully logged in after checking the “Don’t ask me again on this device” checkbox, the next time I log into the site I wouldn’t be asked for a second authentication.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.61.109 Chromium 120.0.699.144 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

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