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Brave Desktop:
Full Release Notes
- Added the ability to make the tab audio icon non-clickable using brave://flags/#tab-audio-icon-interactive. (#19979)
- Added indications for selected network. (#19651)
- [Security] Disabled CNAME uncloaking when DoH is enabled with an HTTPS proxy. (#15038)
- Updated error message text when Trezor is not connected. (#19351)
- Updated legacy gas controls to allow 0 gas price. (#20103)
- Updated price fetching to use contract address when possible. (#19574)
- Updated Omaha installer version for Windows to v1.3.36.111. (#11904)
- Removed “View on block explorer” button for rejected transactions. (#19454)
- Removed text label for the private icon on Private Windows. (#13704)
- Fixed crash when disabling Brave Shields in certain cases. (#19958)
- Fixed inability to download torrents with WebTorrent. (#19818)
- Fixed retry loop for token refill when server responds with 404 to adaptive CAPTCHA request. (#18859)
- Fixed issue in hardware wallet connect screen while switching derivation scheme. (#20155)
- Fixed error when importing Ledger accounts. (#19451)
- Fixed Trezor popup incorrectly reopening in certain cases. (#19858)
- Fixed plus icon for RPC URLs not being shown when editing a network. (#19717)
- Fixed inability to remove previously entered RPC URLs. (#19782)
- Fixed Dapp web compatibility issue with https://studio.manifold.xyz. (#20283)
- Fixed issues with voting and creating spaces or proposals on https://snapshot.org Dapp. (#20282)
- Fixed tooltip for unsupported networks on brave://wallet being retained on screen. (#19400)
- Fixed path names not appearing in the address bar for IPNS addresses. (#18888)
- Upgraded Chromium to 97.0.4692.71. (#20269) (Changelog for 97.0.4692.71)