Reddit videos and spotify web player don't play when shields are up

Description of the issue:
I can’t get reddit videos and spotify web player to play. I installed Windvine and yes, I can login into spotify now, but it doesn’t play the songs - they get stuck at 00:00. The same happens on reddit, because the videos won’t play at all.

But if I put the shields down, all of these work.!

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):

  1. Go to and try to play the video with shields up
  2. See that it won’t play and disable shields
  3. See that the videos play
  4. Go to and try to play the song with shields up
  5. See that it won’t play and disable shields
  6. See that the song plays now

Reproduces how often:
The issue happens every single time when the shields are up.

Brave Version(about:brave):
Versão 0.58.18 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Versão oficial) 64 bits

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):

Both of these issues are currently known and being worked on. There is a cookie(s) required for Reddit media and Spotify to play as intended. To resolve this:

  1. Visit reddit and/or Spotify
  2. Open your Shields panel and set the Cookie Control setting to All cookies allowed image
  3. The page will reload and the site(s) should work as intended.

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