Description of the issue
I’ve used Brave as my daily browser for about 1.5years now. I use Reddit a lot. Recently, Reddit seems broke while using Brave. I first noticed when the up/down vote links no longer worked. Then I noticed the image expander (+) icon was broken (used to expand an image thumbnail). Then I noticed pretty much every link driven by JavaScript was broken on the page.
I tried turning shields off but it did not fix the problem.
I tried logging out and back in, but it did not fix the problem.
I logged in using Chrome and the site works as expected.
In the JS console, I see it failed to load one of the JS chunks (repeated reloads repeat this behavior/error).
It could be there’s something funky with my account, but the fact that it works with Chrome leads me to believe that it is not.
Exact URL of the website in question
Did the issue present with default Shields settings? [Default states are: Block: Ads/Trackers, 3rd Party Cookies, 3rd Party Fingerprinting Allow: Encrypt Connections enabled (HTTPS), Scripts] (yes/no)
First thing I tried was to turn shields off and reload. It did not fix the problem.
Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? (yes/no)
Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no)
Does the site function as expected when using Chrome? (yes/no)
Yes, I logged into Reddit with Chrome and it works as expected.
What Brave version/Build are you using when you encounter the issue?(About Brave info)