Images and website components not loading. Happens on basically every website. Please help

Issues and information in description :slight_smile:

**Description of the issue: Basically, images don’t load, some elements don’t load as well. I tried turning off shields and every ad-blocking/tracking/ ( You name it ), I turned everything off, still doesn’t load, I attached an image which basically shows an image not loading when clicked, only that image doesn’t load, it will only load after refreshing several times ( like 4 times? ) This has persisted a very long time I thought it would fix itself after few updates, but it didn’t. I wanted to switch to other browsers but Brave is just much faster at loading websites, so now I am very frustrated at trying to fix this issue because it seems like I’m the only one experiencing this. **

**Image of an image not loading in google with shields off: Screenshot
Exact URL of the website in question: Almost every single website containing images or some elements/components on the website. I would also like to point out that Brave Beta doesn’t have this issue for some reason. Please tell me what I did wrong or what I changed that might have caused this to happen on Brave.

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no): Yes, but even if I turned it off, doesn’t work still

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?: Sadly, no

Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no): No, I did not change any shields config

**Does the site work as expected when using Chrome?: Yes, all other browsers work perfectly fine except Brave :frowning: **

Brave version (check About Brave): Fully up to date

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