Brave isn't working properly

Can anyone fix it?


I’m also getting issues on nearly every website I visit at the moment.

I’ve narrowed it down to the Ad blocking specifically. I’ve turned it off for now with the hopes it’ll be fixed soon.


seems to be easylist cookie, at least for me.

I don’t know why. I think brave will have this fixed by tomorrow because what is this?

It looks like it’s blocking stylesheets for whatever reason

Something is wrong. I’m getting the same thing. Many sites simply act as if they’re offline.

Basically if shields are up the page desn’t work. Turn shields off and they do, so clearly a bug has been introduced with an update.

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It isn’t loading CSS for both my Windows install and the Linux Flatpak.
Turning shields off did work.

Issue should be fixed. This was a temporary issue surrounding adblock filter.

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