My laptop was not responding to anything, so I forced a shut down by cutting the power (no battery available). I had Brave Browser open when I did this.
When I opened Brave after rebooting, all my saved passwords were gone. The autofill on my email address f.e. did still work however.
This has never happened to me before, and I hope it will never happen again.
I am running Brave on Windows 10 Pro. This version: Version 1.30.89 Chromium: 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I hope that anyone here can help me get my passwords back.
Can you please open Brave and go to brave://crashes for the day you experienced this and send us the crash report (if automatic crash reporting is not enabled) and/or tell me the crash report ID so we can take a closer look?
It sadly does not have a crash registered for that day. So I don’t have a crash report nor ID. I also don’t have automatic crash reporting enabled.
It will be very hard to diagnose this if that is the case. I assume that you have re-added at least some of those passwords into the browser since then. Are those passwords saved/stored correctly when you close/re-launch the browser?
Maybe it was an issue on my pc’s side, rather than an issue with Brave. I guess I have to reset all my now unknown passwords, and make sure to have it stored better, with backups.
Live and learn.
Thanks for taking the time to help me
I’m very sorry about the inconvenience. For what it’s worth, you can export your saved passwords at any time (for backup or export) by going to brave://settings/passwords and clicking the “more options” button: