Description of the issue: All saved passwords are gone. Settings (color scheme, etc, options under “apperance”) got reset.
How can this issue be reproduced? No idea. I opened the browser and it was immediately noticeable something was changed due to a different (default) color scheme.
Expected result: Recover saved passwords information
Brave Version( check About Brave):
version 1.47.171 Chromium: 109.0.5414.87
Additional Information: The passwords were not backed up or synced. System restart did not work. The crash report says there was a crash at the time of finding out about the issue. I have copied up the “Login Data” file in case it is somehow recoverable from that. I have tried updating the browser after the crash.
Thank you for reaching out and I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. Can you please go to brave://crashes and
if you have automatic crash reporting is enabled (Settings --> Privacy/Security --> Automatically send diagnostic reports), please respond back here with the crash report ID
If Automatically send diagnostic reports is not enabled, ensure you click Send on these crash reports listed on the page, then reply here with the crash report ID
Thanks for the information, I’ve shared this with our team and I’m waiting for further information on the matter. Once our team has answers, I will get back to you as soon as possible.