Recover bookmarks

Description of the issue: I cannot recover my bookmarks after a Windows factory reset and I didn’t know I had to create a file from my bookmarks in order to import it again.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. With Brave working perfectly, start the Restore Windows process.
  2. Re-install Brave and check the Booksmarks are lost.

Expected result: the booksmarks back in order.

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.35.101

Additional Information: no additional information.


Long time ago, I was petrified by the amazing list of settings in the Netscape, then Mozilla, then Firefox Internet browsers (and special case: Microsoft Internet Explorer’s ways).

I made a study.

I effectively wrote my own troubleshooting books. Using computers requires that, of me – many hundreds of (now mostly organized - I keep trying, while making) notes in simple text files. (Easy to search for key words in text files, and in collections of text files.)

As part of all that, routine, faithful, MANUAL backups of the Bookmarks and other necessities that MUST SURVIVE whatever are the crises of the hardware and software.

Yes, I am trying to encourage you and urge / nudge you to do the chores. For text work, I recommend to Windows OS users:

Just Great Software - a more capable text editor:

EditPad Lite / EditPad Pro

Mac OS users: BBEdit”

Try the free download.

Re manual backups of Bookmarks

Google’s grip on Android, almost completely forces Android users to rely upon a Sync session, to copy their Android device Bookmarks to some kind of mothership-computer, where then you may create a manual backup of your Bookmarks.

Otherwise, most other systems have provided for making manual backups of the Bookmarks – often saving the Bookmarks as an exported “bookmarks.html” file.

Brave Browser for Windows OS users – Locate the BraveSoftware directory at



and .zip compress that folder (assuming you have WinZip installed). Give the resulting compressed file, a date stamp - in effect - for its name; for example:

Brave Browser for Mac OS users – Locate the BraveSoftware directory at

/Users/user_shortname/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware

and .zip compress that folder (this .zip compression ability is built-in – look in the Finder menu under File, for Compress . . .). Give the resulting compressed file, a date stamp - in effect - for its name; for example:

And, Windows OS users, every day, please Create a System Restore Point. Edit its name, to include the date at the beginning of the name . . . so you can find the specific Restore Point that you later, suddenly need.

@eloisa ,

While trying to help another member of the Brave Comm., I found an article that suggested a method for locating old Bookmarks. May interest or be worth a note to keep, if it works:

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