Bookmarks and data recovery after windows reinstallation from Brave files backups

Hello, I had to reinstall Windows 10 and the Brave obviously was deleted. Is there a way to recover my bookmarks, passwords and maybe BATs (gemini/uphold wallet wasn’t connected) from any Brave folders that survived on my harddrive? I haven’t exported bookmarks, but maybe there is a way to get them from any file? If so, which ones and how to export them to the app? The browser wasn’t synced with other devices.

Now recovering data from:

Users\User name\AppData\Local\Brave Software\Brave Browser\User Data

In this folder there are tmp files:

  • Bookmarks~RF14c60f08.TMP
  • Bookmarks~RF151aa797.TMP
  • Bookmarks~RF151fff15.TMP

How to import bookmarks from them to Brave?

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