Receiving ads issue in brave browser

my brave browser does not receive a single ad in a month why?
I attempt all possible solutions for receiving but nothing happens.
operating system=window 10
brave browser Version 1.29.77 Chromium: 93.0.4577.63 (Official Build) (64-bit)
my wallet is verified

@Mattches @SupportDoofy @SupportDoofy @Support @BraveSupporter @Bravesupport

What possible solutions did you attempt?

I am also facing the same issue on my android…i reinstalled the app but still facing the same issue

update browser
clear browser data
I also connect the USA VPN server for checking purpose
change region from date setting
after reinstall the browser…
I do all these steps but, nothing happens

Please turn off your VPN when using the browser and test to see if ads start to appear. Can you also send me a DM with your wallet payment ID, found on your brave://rewards-internals page?

I send you my wallet payment ID in your DM.please go and check the problem why ads are not coming…I use the browser without a VPN connection I connect the VPN for only check purposes…thanks

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