About halfway last month I stopped getting ads altogether. I thought it might be a glitch and would return to normal this month, but it hasn’t I still haven’t received a single ad. I have it set so I can receive up to 5 ads an hour and brave rewards is turned on. Is there a fix for this? I couldn’t find a solution. Can I contact a brave team member somehow to sort this issue out? Any help would be appreciated
I have the same issue:
Brave | 1.13.86 Chromium: 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) |
Revision | ffe848af6a5df4fa127e2929331116b7f9f1cb30-refs/branch-heads/4183@{#1770} |
OS | Windows 10 OS Version 2009 (Build 19042.928) |
Tried every solution I could find
Hey, turns out you dont get ads when using VPNs. I turned off my vpn and after about an hour or two i started getting ads again. I dont know if you are using any vpns or if this will fix it for you, but good luck.
Nah, don’t use any VPN, I literally tried every solution, including reinstalling Brave, backup of Default folder and checking if the shortcut to brave.exe is in the program files menu from start…
I don’t know how to fix it, probably will open a new ticket…
This behavior is also a result of being flagged for suspicious behavior pertaining to rewards system
I am truly clueless why I would be flagged for suspicious behaviour but OK. I’ll wait for some more constructive comments. I opened a new ticket meanwhile, thanks!
@moderators anyone know how to fix this???
I have same issue, asked for support but never got an answer. After digging around i found a workaround. Create a new profile and use that new one instead. its been working for me for a couple of days now…
Do you mean a new profile on Uphold or somewhere else? I literally spent 3-4 hours trying everything, to no avail… I also noticed plenty of people with the same problems and no fix to date.
I really hope they release a fix or help me tackle this issue sooner rather than later!
The new profile is on the brave browser. Then all you have to do is import bookmarks and link to uphold account. No need to reinstall browser or make new uphold account. Your BAT starts from 0 though. It’s been working for me for now.
Does making a new profile implies just resetting the settings on the Brave browser? Because I cannot find the option to delete or make a new profile
My BAT is already at 0, the only balance I have is on Uphold, so that should turn out nicely then.
Much appreciated!
Thanks, I’ve set one up. Does your Brave browser show under notification settings? Mine doesn’t, even after I’ve tried all fixes. Notifications work just fine when I test on external sites
Let’s wait and see!
Yes my brave browser shows up in windows 10 notification settings. I am receving now some add notifications but feels less than before…
My old profile doesn’t receive adds, i tried again to see if it got “unstuck” but still does not add up the adds seen on new tabs. ill try time to time to check if it gets fixed with new versions of the browser as i have some BAT stuck on the counter. hopefully it will transfere to my uphold account by June 5th
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