Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.
*Description of the issue:**big story short please read the below
what I written
**Description of the issue:**big story short please read the below what I written
How can this issue be reproduced?
1.question I had another device and I lost it but itβs fine I want to ask is there possibility for the brave Wallet in builded itβs self and use bats there for as verified wallet I donβt want to use the uphold neither Gemini,
2.the bats from my previous account on January were missing
3.please contact me DM or Any other Sir/Ms for further Help) love ya!!
**Expected result:**yo help and solve the problem within not long time frame and also provide me with details as much as possible to use the brave Wallet as my veryfied one not other
**Brave Version( check About Brave
):**the newest
Mobile Device detailshad Samsung A12F now nord one Plus
**Additional Information:**everything that will be needed Iβll speak out with the creators and the team for as he cause I await and also want to ask some questions regarding the wallet in builded in Browserβs,thatk you Alexandru Stefanidis