I have right now purchased my service in the brave browser for my macbook, but it never works stable and I need to log in everyday using an iOS device (iphone or ipad).
In my app store I have a synchronized purchase made on my ipad device for a trial period of 7d, which I cancelled when I bought my current subscription on my macbook.
When I now “renew” the subscription in app store, will this renew my subscription for the ipad or the macbook. I will make the purchase in app store on my macbook device.
I ask the question because the OS are different on my 3 apple devices, and the OS settings are really different on the separate devices.
Let me know if my questions wasn’t precise enough.
I tried to “renew” my purchase on my macbook app store, and that wasn´t possible. My conclusion is that this subscription only can be renewed on iOS devices as iPhone & iPad?
Is there even an option to by VPN + firewall product from an MacOS device? …if you don’t do it in a browser like my last purchase?
Please let me know what the difference is from buying from these 2 channels.
@TribeTrainer iOS will check App Store for subscription. Desktop checks account.brave.com for subscription. You’re supposed to link your account.brave.com to your iOS if you will be using across device types. Detailed descriptions on this are provided in Brave’s Help Center:
I certainly agree that the service needs improvement.
On many random occassions, my VPN disconnects from my macbook without any reason at all.
… what I say, is that if I don’t pay attention I will not be sure if I’m protected?
… even if the symbol in the VPN symbol is green, it’s not assured that I’m connected before I check the dock
@Chuck1999 Apologies for this error you encountered. An update was recently made to the service to fix this error. Please retry the steps to link your AppStore purchase to your Brave account.
This process assumes that I don’t already have an account at account.brave.com , right? The email link simply displys my email address at account.brave.com, nothing else.
I use the Brave browser with ‘aggressive’ settings. I get the error message I posted above with those settings. I needed to disable Brave Shields 100% - tap the big orange button after tapping Brave icon on menu bar - to get correct display of account.brave.com webpage. Is this intentional?