Problem with bookmarks

Description of the issue:
Hi, I have some troubles with my bookmarks. I have quite a lot of bookmarks and created folders to sort them. But when I am on the bookmark page (brave://bookmarks/).
I scroll down and try to sort them but every few seconds (sometimes after 5 seconds, other times after 30 seconds but almost never longer) the page kind of refresh itself and I find myself back at the top of the bookmark page.
Then I need to scroll back down, I sort a few bookmarks and then get pushed back again at the top. Sometime I don’t even have the time to scroll down back to where I was before getting pushed back at the top.

How can this issue be reproduced?
Honestly I don’t know, I just use my mouse, scrolling down and sorting bookmarks using left click. This is the only page where I get pushed back to the top of the page (and it really looks like poping at the top and not scrolling up)

Brave Version( check About Brave): Version 1.68.141 Chromium: 127.0.6533.120 (Build officiel) (64 bits)

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