Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don’t believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Brave menu > Settings > Show advanced settings… > Change proxy settings… > LAN Settings and deselect the “Use a proxy server for your LAN” checkbox.
Does this site work when you’re outside of a private window? Does it work in a private window that does not use Tor?
Some sites may not work while using a Tor private window.
For more information about Tor and how it works, please visit:
In answer to your questions, the site that I used to try and find out what was going on (Google) works outside a private window, in a private window but NOT in a private window with Tor.
@ bcornes
Has Tor ever worked for you?
What is the OS that you are using, do you use firewall or antivirus, if so, which one?
What version of Brave are you using: brave://version?
Tor can be blocked by your ISP, firewall/antivirus. Some countries like Iran block Tor.
Same here. As early as yesterday afternoon TOR windows was working. Today I get the previously indicated message by @bcornes . Looks like is unable to setup the onion circuit.
Issue with Mac OS version only.
Tried it in the same network with a Win 10 computer and no issue.
From the posts I’ve been receiving since I first posted details about this issue on Windows 10, it seems to have been hi-jacked by the issues people are also having on the Mac platform.
Is there any progress in finding out what has gone wrong with Tor in Windows?
Navigate to brave://components and check if the component version is 1.0.8, if not, click Check for Update . It should update to v1.0.8. Restart the browser.
Thanks, @btlechowski. Tor showed as up to date in Nightly and updated in Release from 1.0.7. What I don’t get is the erratic behavior. That is, some people never had trouble, while others had Tor not work or got warnings about not being able to verify/check the module. Any idea why the variation? Especially since it’s not even an issue confined to a specific version of an OS or even a specific OS?