Please change your development priority strategy regarding usability and customization requests

Hello team Brave!

It would be nice to see the Brave development team not only giving their development focus fully towards the Crypto features inside the browser but instead usability/customization feature requests should be treated the same way importance wise like the team does with the Crypto features or at least give usability/customization feature requests and improvement requests a little bit of a higher priority too with implementing/optimizing.

Not everyone cares for Crypto features but people still use Brave for various reasoning and right now all the ones who are not after Crypto features are neglected quite a lot.

Therefor i hope you can perhaps give Crypto and Usability/customization features a more equal treatment, this is my main reason for not using Brave often and for sure not right now as main browser.

Thanks for listening!


Excellently put! Couldn’t agree more

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