Please add option to force refresh reload or delete cache for viewed page

because browser does not show latest version of a page EACH TIME I upload new css files and image files to my website.

I have read all CLOSED reports of these issue. They are all RIGHT.

Brave cache is not invalidated properly and THERE IS NO OPTION to force reload/delete cache for single page. “Cookie files and website data” removal option from address bar does not work.

Edge browser shows PROPERLY every page update after reload.

This is 100% repro.

Open your devtools > Network tab > Disable cache. This will disable caching while devtools is open. This is the right way to do it, especially if you’re actively developing a page.

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well, I invented easy to implement workaround for it.

So, if the user deliberately refresh page more than 2 times in short period of time, say 3 secs, browser forces cache deletion. That’s it. Works like magic.

@JosephSeed additionally, if you hold Ctrl and click reload, this will initiate a hard refresh.

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This is nice. I think this information should be visible to users, like maybe in a tooltip:
“Force reload: hold CTRL”

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@JosephSeed other thing is to perhaps try going through list of shortcuts. You can add or edit to existing shortcuts in Brave’s settings. SettingsSystemShortcuts or navigate directly via brave://settings/system/shortcuts

For example, you have a complete keyboard shortcut via Ctrl+Shift+R to bypass cache, or there’s an empty one where we can add one to reload. and clear cache. For whatever reason, they call it Reload instead of Refresh.:


In any case, if you have time, you might want to scroll through that and see what else is available in the browser and what we can set keybinds/shortcuts to.

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