Clear cache without open settings page

i am using the last version of brave on windows 10 .

the current issue i have on brave :
1- press ctrl+shift+delete on the keyboard to clear cache .
2- the clear cache popup window will display .
3- the settings page will open under the clear cache popup window .
4- click to clear the cache and the popup window will close .
5- the settings page stay open , i must close it .

how this case bother me and make my life hard :
i develop my site modify css and javascript codes .
the css and javascript codes need clear cache to see results .
so i closed the settings page Too many times .

my feature request is :
dont open the settings page within clear cache window .

the important question is :
does user need the settings page when he want just clear cache ?

i hope you understand me .

note :
firefox browser dont do that but i dont like it i like brave , please help to make it easy .


i am using the last version of brave on windows 10 Visit Website

the current issue i have on brave :
1- press ctrl+shift+delete on the keyboard to clear cache .
2- the clear cache popup window will display .
3- the settings page will open under the clear cache popup window .
4- click to clear the cache and the popup window will close .
5- the settings page stay open , i must close it .

how this case bother me and make my life hard :
i develop my site modify css and javascript codes .
the css and javascript codes need clear cache to see results .
so i closed the settings page Too many times .

my feature request is :
dont open the settings page within clear cache window .

the important question is :
does user need the settings page when he want just clear cache ?

i hope you understand me .

note :
firefox browser dont do that but i dont like it i like brave , please help to make it easy .


To avoid the hassle of the settings page opening every time you clear the cache in Brave, you can use the Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I and right-clicking the refresh button to select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload.” Alternatively, installing the Clear Cache extension provides a one-click solution. If you’d like this feature to be officially supported, consider submitting your request on the Brave forum or GitHub page. Hope this simplifies your development process!

Control key + “w” key

should close a Brave Browser window on a Windows OS machine.

i know this .
but why i must close the settings page every time i clear the cache ??
for what it open ? i dont need it , the matter is clear cache only .
if i need the settings i can go to it directly .

Have you tried the Disable Cache in Developer Tools > Network window?

Ref. material:

yesssssss . perfect .
now my life become very easy .

very thanks

solved .