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All right, apologies for my previous comment, looks like I didn’t test things completely.
Enabling Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Brave via brave://settings/content/pdfDocuments makes Brave unable to download the files listed under Useful External Links on the page from the first comment.
I confirm that disabling the mentioned option above resolves this issue.
The reason for that behavior is that Insecure content is blocked by default. Here is how to allow it for the website above. That should be the solution to your issue.
Thank you, that solved it, are you also tell me if there is a way to confirm and change SAVE location for external pdf viewer instead of saving to default location /downloads every time?
It might be related to the other application, it works all right for me when Brave is configured as default PDF viewer. Check that application’s settings for such an option. Those are the only downloads preferences in Brave.
Hi Rethanis, No, I checked with Kofax Power PDF and they said it is a browser issue so I checked my settings at brave://settings/downloads and it is set to ask where to save file before each download. Then I checked brave://settings/content/pdfDocuments?search=pdf and it is set to download pdf files instead of automatically opening them. So there is really two settings at play here and I’m not sure they work well together.