I have the downloads setting configured to “Always Ask Where to Save”. The first download of any Brave session and this setting is respected. But any download after the first of a given session will start downloading files directly to My Download without asking. Been recurring for a long time now. I can see @forrest posted this same issue back in September 2020. Has anyone face similar issues?
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):
Browse to a webpage where you can download multiple PDFs
Download the first file, works as expected, and prompts for Download location
Download any file after the first, does not work as expected, the file goes directly to ‘My Downloads’ folder
Expected result: Prompt asking to choose where to Download files every time you download
Operating System and Brave Version: Windows 10 / Version 1.28.105 Chromium: 92.0.4515.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Are you using another application as default PDF viewer? I can’t reproduce the issue you’re experiencing, but just yesterday another user mentioned the same issue. The user is using another application as their default PDF viewer.
I can’t reproduce the issue when Brave is configured as default PDF viewer.
Yes, Kofax Power PDF 10 - I have made an inquiry to them as well but haven’t yet heard back from them They said that they cannot reproduce the problem on their end, but they are not using Brave.
Yes, I am using another app as the default pdf viewer. But that really shouldn’t be a problem. My issue is since I’ve enabled the “Always Ask Where to Save” setting, it should always ask me where to download instead of downloading to ‘My Downloads’ by default.
And yes, I’ve noticed this behavior mostly when downloading pdf files.
I’m far from the idea the behavior is normal, I was just trying to find a relation between your issue and @mike103’s issue.
P.S Couldn’t reproduce the issue after installing Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and setting it as default PDF viewer. The issue is most likely related to something else.
I use download manager and it always asks where to download.
I wish brave have a system like it save files differently based on file extensions for example png =pictures folder or another folder set by the user.
Please, check whether the issue persists in a private window without any extensions. Could you also check whether there is an issue with other file types rather than .pdf?
P.S Could you also check the following:
Since version 9.0, we’ve added the feature to set “Preferred Save As Location”. we could open Foxit Reader/PhantompDF, go to “File”->“Preferences”->“Documents”->“Browse” and set the Preferred Save As Location, then when you try to do “Save As”, the default directory would be the preferred save as location that you’ve set. Thank you.
I’m not sure if it’s related because I’ve never used this application. I saw comments mentioning email attachments so I guessed the option might be used to determine a default save location when downloading .pdf files.