Paid subscription not working - VPN

Subscription on iPhone shows subscription expiring in MAY 2022 but does not work today


If you are trying to connect, and it is showing you the subscription options screens, please be sure to tap on “Restore” at the top right of the screen and then you should be able to connect.

Separately, if you are seeing a pop up error that the VPN profile was not installed when you try to connect, please try deleting the Brave browser app from your device and reinstall. Your subscription will not be affected upon reinstalling on your device. The bookmarks you may have will not be saved so be sure to sync your browser settings to another device first if you are able to. Please let us know if you are now able to connect.

Tried removing bad reinstalling but know it goes to subscription page - from there it says that subscription is good til Mar 2022 and gives an error

I do not have restore button - when I touch vpn it goes to a blue page with purchase options

When it Touche 1 year - states that my subscription is good to March 2022 and the goes to an error message

Hi Kelgarry!

When you are on the blue page with the purchase options, please look at the very top of the screen where it says “Restore” and tap on this to activate your current subscription. It should look similar to this:



I attached is my screen shot


Garry Kelman


Attached is my screen shot


Garry Kelman

Hi Garry!

I do apologize for this confusion. I am informed this is a bug with light mode in the latest iOS which will be resolved soon. In the meantime, please tap in the area at the top right of the this screen where the “restore” should be according to my previous screenshot as the button is there, but it is showing in white text over the white background.

@Shznakl Any roadmap? Writing

will be resolved soon

on September, 23, when its now November, 11, is just outregious…

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