Option to block reward ads and more control over what user see in the sponsor image

Hello everyone

it better to have more control on the reward system ads

for notifications ads

  1. option in the reward system to not allow certain type or ads i know after getting certain ads we can block this ads from
    going to brave://rewards/ and click the ads history then choose make as inappropriate
    but better to have clear option that say block it and also option to block it from the beginning not after see it even for one time

  2. the category in the history of ads is not helpful as most of the time it’s general so block it will block many ads

  3. one of the team review the ads before put it in the system so he/she put it the correct category as many time certain ads is offensive for some people and other ads looks like they pushing certain agenda

sponsor image

  1. same as the notifications ads issue

  2. for the image (the background image and the ads image) displayed in the new tab when the ads show up there also be more control on those image

those should be implemented yesterday or you will get hit with many complain and it valid one

some ads also should not be displayed for kids so please it better to stay away from those kind of those ads which you currently have in your system and the more you keep those thing then i think many will stay away from it

brave is browser so it better to stay like that and it be for everyone

for anyone will say block ads reward

many user use the default of any app they use and if they did the same with brave that what they will get

  1. reward system is off
  2. sponsor image will still show up even if it does not reward you with anything
    3)no one would need to think that a browser could advertise inappropriate content
  3. sure there inappropriate sites but that not the same that the browser is the one that provide that content

that why the default should be suitable for all

and here some complain about some content of the ads


hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Thank you. I appreciate it.


you welcome

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