On Youtube, Sound stops working browsing in other windows

I have duel monitors. I usually have one tab open on one monitor to listen/watch a podcast or some tutorial while having the bulk of my other tabs open on the second monitor. Fairly recently (maybe in the past 2-3 weeks) I have noticed that when watching a video on YouTube it seems that the audio will just stop working while the video keeps playing on. If I switch to another tab/application the audio is working fine. Just not on YouTube through brave.

How can this issue be reproduced?

1.For me it’s open two or more tabs on different monitors.
2. Start watching podcast on one and then working in a different app or in another tab in brave on the other monitor.
3. After an amount of time the audio will stop working.

Expected result:

Brave Version(1.74.48 Chromium 132.0.6834.83):

Additional Information:

Windows 10 Pro. Build 10.0.19045
32Gb RAM
Core i7-10700

Thank you for the detailed report. I’m not able to reproduce this issue on my end. Can you tell me whether or not any other sites display this same behavior? For example, if you were to watch Netflix or listen to Spotify on one monitor instead of YouTube, do you get the same behavior?

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