NSFW: SafeSearch says its off but it isnt. Wont show me porn. (Serious)

**Description of the issue: If i search something as generic as “porn” under Videos in Brave, it seems to show me the Moderate results. it says safesearch is off but… no porn. Worried about a virus highjacking results **
How can this issue be reproduced?

1.open Edge Browser,
2.search “porn” with safesearch set to moderate
3.click video results page

On my computer edge shows the same results from safesearch moderate that Brave search results shows me as Safesearch off.

Brave Version(1.38.115 chromiom :101.0.495164(official build) (64 bit)):
Win 11

**So i have been surfing the high seas and had used this one site {ustv247. tv} and am worried it may have given me a bug.

I have formated two of the three drives on my computer and have booted from my clean install flashdrive (ISO made through Rufus) as well as trying to reset window before that. Everytime searching for “porn” returns the same safesearch moderate results even though it says it is off. Please help, it is a virus i have no clue what to do now. what kind of virus would highjack my porn searches LMFAO**

While I will not do any research into how you can more easily search for porn, I would assume that most of those sites have potentially harmful content and are blocked by brave shields. Maybe try turning shields off. Good luck?

lol I didnt think about people thinking i was a kid. Nah im a grown man in his late 30’s. i wore Jncos and watch Street sharks. so dont stress it there.

about the shields thing, I tried that. it didnt seem to make a difference. I changed my default broswer to google and it doesnt seem to have an issue. i even tried Bing which is from what I can tell is the standard default of Brave search engine. Bing allows me to turn the safesearch off which kinda makes sense that it reacts the same as when i try it in edge.

So im no coder by any means, but it kinda seems like there is an issue between the brave browser and Bing.

The porn aspect isnt really important i just kinda need to know if im getting some sort of redirect. but i mean nothing should be able to survive multiple formats and a couple clean intalls, so at this point im kinda hoping its a bug issue. because damn if ive wiped this comp multiple times over the last couple days and the situation isnt changing.

thanks for your help though.

still no change. IDK whats up anymore

First of all, I wouldn’t worry about malware. This does not sound like that. Second, I checked my browser and did an nsfw search in “videos” and also got a “moderate” return. However, the web tab and images tab do return the correct thing. For some strange reason, Brave search does not do nsfw video searches. Maybe someone from the team can tell us why?

If Brave search does not fulfill your needs correctly, it is trivial to just change the search engine used. It has nothing to do with the browser.

Edit: I just re-read your post and it looks like you are using Edge browser with Brave search? Edge is one of the worst browsers you can use by the way.

O. M.G. Dude thanks for response. That is such a huge load off of my mind.

Now im embarrassed that i reset and formatted my computer soo many times over the last week :-/. I did get the chance to learn a lot about that process though, if one wanted to look at the brighter side of things. I learned about backing up you BAT wallet the hard way…RIP $2.50.

Again thank you for checking to see if you got the same result, i was going crazy. I kinda feel privileged to have found a bug in something. So i hope it gets noticed by support and then they name it after me, and i go on to write a book that will be an NFT, after which i will take my place as the new “dude Oprah”, after which you sir will ride to the top with me as my Gale. we will take this world and dance as it burns in our “BrOprah Galactic 1” generational ship as it hurtles over the fold in space created by the Brave Station Array at the edge of the Oort cloud. Heading towards a place we may never know. but we do this for our kids’ kids’ kids’. And it is to them that I speak now, my words recorded in the historical blockchains… know this… I only mentioned using Edge because it was the included browser that is standard to win 11. after doing so many clean installs i just figured the built in browser would have been the best to test what I thought was up. I currently use the Brave Search, dont really see much of a difference. But yeah, I know edge sucks ass.

I just started using Brave even after hearing about it for awhile. I got into the crypto sphere fairly early circa 2013-14 and you kinda just hear buzz about stuff. I am fully loving this browser, while i was sorting out my issues i was staying entertained with an old laptop from 2010 and let me tell you that without the Brave Ad blocking features YT is pretty much unusable to for me. So ive been recommending Brave to everyone who will listen.

Thanks Gale. CYA around.

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Glad I could be of help :slightly_smiling_face:

The big difference between edge and Brave, besides the fact that Brave is faster, and to me at least, works better, is that Edge spies on you and facilitates spying by others also, while Brave works vigorously to protect your privacy. It also removes all the irritating crap from websites without reducing user experience. This is a big deal.

Since I see you’re into cryptos and are also worried about malware, I suggest you drop Windoze and move to linux. It’s a really a superior system. No bloat, fast, no spying, very low to no malware. Windoze on the other hand is mad bloated, spies on everyone like crazy, uploads blobs of info from your computer regularly, and is highly vulnerable to malware. You need a good OS for a good browser like Brave to sit on top of.

I don’t know what your tech level is, so I will suggest Fedora or Ubuntu to get going. It’s worth it if you have the time and desire to up your standards. You can also dual boot these OS’s so you can boot into Windows or your new OS while learning and testing.

Thats neat to know.

Everything is relative. Im tech savoy to some and then the info i get into sometimes while figure out fixes and stuff just goes way over my head. I end up just following walkthroughs if im lucky with some of the crazier crap. Like formating my drives through ‘diskpart’ was a trip the first time through. Or creating .bat files for a miner i played around with, I would stumble across some forum from like 2018 that says if i put xxxxxx in qoutation marks then it would work. And that shiz would work! So i learn HOW to do shiz while exploring, but as an autodidacte I often end up lacking in the WHY.

My experience with Linux has been limited. I was gifted both a RPi3B and a HP Microserver Gen7 N54l. ive just been a windows user before exploring these two things side by side. really just diving in head first, like reading an article then googling half the shiz in there and slowly soak it up. and like I said check forums from wayback have been a godsend when the links actually work. So after 4 or 5 evenings of fiddling I was fianlly able to get my OS ISO file flashed to the SIM. I literally ran every walkthrough i could find and nothing worked, but finally running the same steps through Rufus made it work. So I have zero clue why it worked but i got my Rpi3B to load into Linux… and then I just moved onto some other project. So i have very limited experience with Linux and if im being honest it kinda looks like a hassle. DD my ballsack, and SUDO$$ to do stuff. but i say this pretty much knowing what 3% of those two words mean and have $no clue where o$r why people put cash signs in front of commands when talking about linux in forums. I hope this comes off as the jokey lines i intended, and not as insulting. It just seems like alot.

But after seeing what Brave browser does for me, I am excited to get a Pihole set up and learn about that next. Also Ive been meaning to appl;y what i learned with the RPi to trying to get the Microserver up and running.

So I will take what you said into consideration. Thanks.

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