Not receiving rewards since a month

Its been a month now, while i have stopped receiving brave rewards from the new tab ads.

I have tried every way possible to resolve the problem, but still there is no solution to it.

The problem is that I receive rewards only from the NOTIFICATION ADS and not from the NEW TAB ADS.

Can someone please help me with this to resolve now? My humble request to @steeven, if you can please.

Thank you!

What is your OS? What is the region you have set in your device settings?

Windows 7

The region is exactly the same, where i am currently residing. Any other solutions buddy?

I’m not sure. Go to and see if the NTP Ads you are getting, belong to your region.

I am not receiving rewards for sponsered images since a long time in my android browser…please solve this problem…

What is your device region? Do you see NTP Ads that belong to your region?

India, can you let me know from where do i see that?

You can check here-

You should only be getting ads Ads that are shown in link

For your device region, you will have to find that in settings.

But the problem is not with ads ,it’s only sponsored ads that does not pay and it occurs in my android only …

You get two types of ads from Brave- New Tab Page (NTP) Ad also called Sponsored Images which comes on every 4th new tab page and Ad Notifications. See this for more calrity-

You mean new tab page ad right? Try to change your Device Language to English(UK) and see if it works. Do post an update.

It’s working now :slightly_smiling_face:…thanks buddy…

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Yes i only get these ads, even the system region is set correct. Though i get rewards from the NOTIFICATION ADS, but not the NTP ADS since past 1 month. So how do i proceed with this now?

Does changing my system language help with this? or is there any other method to resolve this, do let me know.

I’m not aware of any other way. Try to change Device Language and see if it works.

I’m curious whether I will get a payout of my BAT this time, my last payout was, if I remember correctly, in April of this year, my wallet is verified. Who is actually responsible - Uphold or Brave?

Just the language would make a difference? Or anything else too?

Do u use VPN or your region is different from where actually you belong?

Sorry buddy no idea, i myself am having an issue with my Brave

Someone said me never to use VPN and try to get brave rewards orelse you’ll permanently stop getting rewards. I dont know how true this is though!

I believe you should use VPN in some other browser, to avoid this problem.

Dont surf on brave while you are connected to vpn. Thats the only solution i found out from others, hope that helps.