Not receiving pop-up or Brave news ads, however new tab ads are appearing

I haven’t been receiving any sort of ads aside from the New Tab sponsored images for almost 3 months now, resulting in my monthly BAT going from ~7 to under 1 per month

I’ve attempted all the standard troubleshooting tips to no avail. Any help is appreciated.


I have the same issue since late october, been asking for help on forum and dm’s and didng get a single answer, looks like they just dont care, saw multiple post about this lately

Same issue here and no one solves it

Yeah I am in the same boat as you 2

No ads, I’m having the same problem. @steeven @Mattches

Same here. Any BRAVE tec support able to help?

We do apologize for not being able to get to every thread regarding Ads. Please understand that there are thousands of new threads/issues opened every month and, in the case of Brave Ads, each of these cases (generally) need to be handled individually. Additionally, all of this information is anonymized, which further ads to the complexity and time it takes to resolve each individual issue.

If you are not seeing ads , please ensure you have already thoroughly reviewed our documentation as it has a lot of useful information on how to use and configure Brave Rewards:

If your issue is still not solved, the best thing to do would be to submit your logs for us to review. Please note that, as stated above, reviewing these files also takes time and given that it is the holiday season, many Brave employees will be on PTO – so these requests may take a while to respond to. We do appreciate your understanding.

To get started, please submit your log files to us for review using the following steps:

  1. Enable Enable Brave Rewards Verbose logging inside of brave://flags. (Relaunch if prompted)
  2. (If Verbose Logging was already on, please restart your browser)
  3. Go to brave://rewards-internals and click on Logs
  4. Wait 5 - 10 seconds and click on the Refresh Button
  5. Download your logs.
  6. Fill out the form on this page and submit the logs →
  7. DM me the case number you are given once you are done. Please include the link to this thread in the subject line so I know where the logs/request is coming from.

Thank you.

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