Not getting any ads for rewards after browser upgrade

While I am getting at least 5 ads per hour before the upgrade, but after the upgrade of Brave (mine is a legit portable version), I have an issue once again. Instead of Brave BATs not increasing while receiving ads, now I neither see any ads nor receive any BATs.

Now I have already told @steeven regarding the issue BAT transfer to Uphold wallet and he told me to upgrade the browser to version 1.20. Nothing happened after that and then this issue of not getting any ads becomes an added issue. I already sent all the info to @steeven and I am hoping if someone else can help me resolve this.


Over at:

I've followed all the tips on this page but still don't get Brave Ads

Adrian_02 wrote:

“Just to make sure, you did check under Common Reasons for not seeing Ads to make sure that none of those applied, correct?”

Referring to:

Done that. No rules are broken. Just an upgrade of a portable version of Brave browser.

Hi @jwt7000, please see my DM. Thanks.