"Not enough memory to open this page" when reorganizing tabs across windows

  1. Not sure exactly how to reproduce (there’s no guarantee), but the baseline condition is having LOTS of windows & tabs (on a 128GB Win-11 machine with ~112GB RAM free in this instance), one active tab playing a YouTube video, and reorganizing other tabs (by topic), e.g. a window each for: Patrick Boyle (finance); International news/Ukraine war news/opinion; AI/ML; automotive; U.S. politics/presidential race; cosmology/astronomy/quantum mechanics/grand unification; … Brave almost always starts the tab that becomes active in the window after you move one of its tab to another window and sometimes starts the tab you just moved. If you’re not quick, pausing video in one of the foregoing tabs, it will usually deactivate the tab you were watching/listening to.

  2. If you’re moving too quickly or too many tabs within some wall time (just guessing) … every visible tab then shows "Not enough memory to open this page).

I suspect that all of those unwanted tab activations causes a slew of memory requests that may be corrupting the cache index or fragmenting Brave’s RAM cache, … causing Brave to think that there’s not enough spare RAM even though there’s obviously GOBS of RAM available.

My preference would be for Brave NOT to activate tabs exposed OR moved, letting the originally active tab stay active and in charge until the user specifically starts video in some other tab, i.e., anticipating user intent is the core problem.

Brave Version: v 1.70.126

P.S. Not sure if this is related, but when Brave restarts and restores the previously active session, it typically starts video/audio in a bunch of the restored tabs (I’m guessing the ‘active’ tab in each window) thereby producing a cacophony of competing soundtracks, LATER realizing that might not be what it should have done and stopping a bunch of those competing streams. I can’t think of a use case where that’s actually what the user would want. Starting audio/video should be MUCH ‘lazier’ - reload the hierarchy of windows & tabs but don’t start ANY audio/video until the user does it manually. I have YouTube AutoPlay disabled - maybe that could be used as a hint.

“Not enough memory to open this page” is mostly a generic Chromium error. No you aren’t running out of memory. Maybe its more how Chromium allocates ram for webpages and errors out.

Just restart the browser

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