Not accumulating BAT anymore

Hi, since the march 14th, i’m not accumulating BAT tokens. The balance has remained at 5.870, and brave stopped showing ads and stopped paying BAT for sponsored images

  1. Are you able to receive general desktop/push notifications?**

  2. Are you in a supported region (if so, which one)?

  3. Give us a brief description of the ads behavior you’re seeing
    Not showing ads anymore and not paying sponsored image

  4. What OS/Brave version are you using?
    |Brave|1.22.70 Chromium: 89.0.4389.105 (Build officiel) (64 bits)|
    |Système d’exploitation|Windows 10 OS Version 2009 (Build 19042.868)|

Can you help me @rosiecar ?
Thanks you

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Hi @QuasExortWex, there is a troubleshoot you could try. It may help.

*A few more, too… here and here.

Hi, i have already checked everything and settings are ok.

Ads and bat reward were working fine and stopped suddenly the March 14th

Same here. I’m in France too (salut à toi !) but on macOS.

I’m not sure then, I’m sorry. There must be something else at play, like a technical/ regional issue. Hopefully Support will respond soon. In the meantime, @rosiecar or @justsomeone1 may offer more troubleshoot ideas, too.

Hi, i have already checked everything and settings are ok.

Ads and bat reward was working fine and
stopped suddenly the feb 14th
And I’m on Brave is up to date
Chromium: 88.0.4324.152 (Official Build) (64-bit)
win 7

But my brave ads rewards did not transferred
in feb 21 and mar 21
now my Next payment date is may6

hello everyone

here are the rules i know for for sponosr image

  1. there max per hours i think it 4 even i you see it more than 4 times it will only count the first 4 only
  2. there another max per day i think it 20
  3. not cause you see it that mean it will count the advertiser also set/choose who will rewarded and how much he/she will rewarded for see the ads
    check this to know which ads is targeting you in the future maybe they change that so only the one target you to display

and those are the rule for the notifications ads

  1. there max per hour 4
  2. max per hour a trusted friend said it 40 but i can not test that as there very little for my country
  3. some ads show up when the user interested in certain category for example if there ads about cloths then maybe the advertiser set a rule that the user should be interested in fashon or something like that
  4. there also another max but not sure what it about is it per the life time of the ads in the system or for month or what i have no idea
  5. the value for each ads are set by the advertiser also

check this also


Thank you, but we already checked that. I just installed a fresh Brave on a new computer at work today, synced it with my sync chain, and it works. Why did it stopped working on my computer and what can I do?

Do I have to delete it and download it again ? Will it help ?

you welcome

could be any of the above rule triggered especially this one

if you deleted it you will lose any unclaimed bat and i think that will use one more devvice from the limited 4 device per uphold account

And I received a notification for your post. So it’s OK, system wise. That’s strange.

Make sure to update :slight_smile:

it doesn’t work! how an error from server side can be solved from client ?

  Method: BraveAdsUrlRequestMethod::PUT
[03 avr. 2021, 5:57:23,9] OnRedeemUnblindedPaymentTokens
[03 avr. 2021, 5:57:23,9] URL Response:
  Response Status Code: 400
  Response: "Invalid Request R1"

seems like unpaid again…


Hi everybody (Salut lokan, je suis français aussi.),

I checked everything and my ads stopped paid since the 13th March. (I don’t accumulate BAT and ads don’t increase)
I try to solve the issue with @Mattches but nothing worked for instant.

That is strange is that I created a second profile “test” and it receive everything. So I doubt my PC is guilty. I tend to favor an internal error at Brave, linked to the account. Are some accounts suspended because they are suspected of being fraudulent? This is one reason why we are no longer thanked for viewing ads.

I see ads since the 1st April and my count stay to 0.

The amount of BAT correspond at the period 1st March to 13th, after the issue is arrived.

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Hi, (Salut les francais :slight_smile:),

Same problem on April, i didn’t see any ads. Got the latest version of brave…

je te confirme qu’apres investigation, moi et une autre personne on a un souci, regarde au dessus, tu dois avoir un souci avec les tokens comme beaucoup de monde…

Comment obtiens tu les lignes de codes dans ton message précédent ?
Pourquoi mon compte principal a des problèmes alors que le second va nickel et aussi mon tél synchronisé alors ? Bizarre…

moi aussi je n’ai que ca sur 1 des 2 “linkés” à uphold, les id sont propres à chaque client donc pas etonnant et plus rien ne m’etonne avec Brave depuis deja quelques temps…ce dont tu parles, ce sont des logs → No transfers to uphold - #2 by steeven

Moi les deux sont liés au même compte uphold. (avant la connection du second compte à uphold les pubs étaient récompensées, après aussi sans souci).
Le compte principal est lui synchronisé à mon tél (avec toujours le même compte uphold), j’ai crée le second compte car j’avais déjà des problèmes avec le premier.

(Je ne suis pas aussi calé en informatique donc les logs je ne comprends pas !) :smile:

En tout cas, ça commence à faire long depuis le 13/03, on m’a assuré que les pubs visionnées mais non répertoriées seront payées, j’attends donc le jour de paie, mais quand bien même, c’est le binss quand tu ne sais pas où tu en es…

en tout cas pour info soucis de paiements de publishers depuis plus de 2 semaines et pour la partie des pubs je crois que ca remonte meme un peu plus loin car certains avaient encore des token pour recevoir des pubs quelques temps. pas de comm et ca ferme les tickets sans vraies reponses, c’est dommage, tout le monde peut faire des erreurs mais les cacher ca craint

probleme de ads et maintenant de claim…