Ok, so that’s one of the things as an example. If you scroll down a bit more on that screen, there should be automatic rules as well, which need to be off or Windows will turn it back on in certain situations.
I did write a bit about the things that can interfere with Brave Ads in my FAQ at -Retired- PSA: User FAQ - Support & Answers
Logs are something Brave has told us not to pay mind to, as Users often try to read into it a bit much. For example, I get the same thing…
That’s just Error Log that if they ever request it, we can send to them. It doesn’t tell us when things work as they are supposed to. So don’t try to look at it and make any assumptions or listen to Users who think they know anything about it.
Nobody will ever tell you the specific reason or reasons your account was flagged. It can be for quite a number of things or even be a mistake made by the system. Generally it’s people who have used VPN, modified files, adjusted their time zone/language/locale on their device(s), etc. Lots of little things from people not following Terms of Use and/or trying to scam Brave.
If you’ve not done anything wrong and the system just wrongfully flagged you, then the best bet will be to submit a Support Ticket to them, which you can do by completing the form at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431